How long do those special moments we experience as children stay with us? My clearest childhood memories mostly have to do with some outdoor activity like walking in to my fist point over a staunch setter, a swarm of ducks over Avents blind, or the anticipation of drawing my bow for the first time on a deer.
Yesterday, memories were made for my 9 year old son and I. Grant has really progressed with his ability to handle his Benelli Montefeltro 20 gauge, so after an all night snow shower we headed up to the preserve for some dog work and for Grant to attempt to take his first rooster.
First contact was a hard rock point by the veteran Sabrina with a back by Gigi. Grant moved to the downwind side of the point and set up as I
moved in for the flush. It was a beautiful flush and one shot kill for Grants first bird. I am not sure who was more proud but one thing is for sure, the hunting bug has bitten and I think we made a lifelong bird hunter yesterday.
It can't get any better than that
Excellent. I cant wait until I can take my son out for the first time. Lots to do until then, he just turned three.